Our Goals

Our goal is to link the youth teach the youth that academics in number one, through the after school program youth boys to behave better in school, have more developed social skills, and help them show more self-confidence as a result of the caring relationships they develop with staff and other students in the program. Participants will also be in smaller classes and can take advantage of the extra time with studying and receiving help in unpredictable subjects. This will help succeed in their lower and higher education.

The Protégé Project goal in the mentoring portion is to help build the skills of youth in each of these areas. Our program will build emotional intelligence, particularly in the context of interpersonal relationships. These programs provide opportunities to practice and reflect on problem solving, decision making, and goal setting. The Protégé Project will provide structured activities that occupy the time of the youth who might otherwise drift into problem behaviors. Finally, mentor program will create opportunities for boys to connect with staff in ways that allow them to discuss common experiences that they are involved on a daily basis—a process that allows for healing and growth. The extent to which our staff and mentors can be trained to know the features of undispleasing situation with the youth and that care can be an asset to healing and secondary prevention.

The Protégé Project goal in sports is to provide a positive, fun-filled experience. Teach the participants the skills, rules, strategy and discipline of the sport and encourage good sportsmanship, self-confidence and teamwork. Promote healthy and safe physical activity for all participants. Build character by offering a team experience, regardless of individual ability, stressing skill development and a positive attitude regardless of
winning or losing. Provide opportunities for equal playing time for all participants as much as possible.